Uncategorized · August 9, 2022

What One Word Defines Conformity To Facts Or Reality, Purity From Falsehood?

We begin this third post to again state that we at Truth Principles endeavor to provide truth, conformity to facts or reality, purity from falsehood.

The late Dr. R.C. Sproul once made these statements when discussing truth:

︎ “‘What is truth?’ Pontius Pilate asked.(1) This is truth, Mr. Pilate: Truth is what accurately describes reality…. God’s statements are always true for everyone. Why? Because God accurately describes everything. He created everything. He knows everything. And since it’s impossible for God to lie (Hebrews 6:18), His descriptions of things are never false.”(2)

︎ “Truth is not a subjective inclination of an individual’s heart. Truth is that which is real, no matter what our personal preferences may be. … 

“the pursuit of science and the pursuit of truth is the pursuit of discovering the “real,” rather than the imaginary or the fictional. Today we hear people embracing relativism and subjectivism, saying truth is whatever I think it is or whatever I want it to be. … That would make real science impossible because the world would then be “according to Garp.” That is, it would be one thing for you, another thing for you, and a third thing for you—whatever you want it to be.(3)

Jesus Christ, when praying for his followers stated, “Sanctify them in the truth; Your (Gods) word is truth.” (4) 

If you truly desire to know real truth we at Truth Principles suggest you begin by reading the Bible. Jesus said that is the Word of Truth.

Most people begin by reading the first chapter or book. The Bible is made up of many books. It is our humble suggestion that you begin by finding the Book of John and begin there. We also suggest that you read one chapter at a time and before beginning just bow your head and ask God to provide you at least one truth from what you are reading each time.

If you are Agnostic or even an Atheist please modify the question by asking, “If there is a God, I ask you to reveal yourself to me in what I am about to read.”

Please ask one of the two aforementioned questions each time before you begin to read.

Finally, because Dr. Sproul stated “the pursuit of science and the pursuit of truth is the pursuit of discovering the “real,” rather than the imaginary or the fictional,” that is where our fourth post – next week – will begin.

(1) Bible, John 18:28

(2) Sproul, R. C. (1993). Choosing My Religion. Ligonier Ministries.)

(3) https://www.ligonier.org/posts/truth-corresponds-reality

(4) Bible, John 17:17