Featured · July 26, 2022

Pontius Pilate’s Question

Pontius Pilate, a political leader in the nation of Rome, once asked the question, *”What is truth?” But he never took the time to allow the One person that he asked the question to answer. The political pressure surrounding the situation Pilate was in was such that he felt he had to make a quick decision. The decision he ultimately made resulted in impacting world history like no other before or after that.

We at Truth Principles intend to take the time to answer Pontius Pilate’s question for the Truth impacts every part of our lives. We will do it by posting a truth, a fact for each of us to ponder, to consider, to think about. We will post a general or specific truth that covers different areas of life, society or the world.

If you will join us with an open mind and heart we believe you will come to know the Truth in life, if you don’t know it already. Maybe you are searching for it. Wherever you are in life we hope to help you find the Truth because we know it will set you free.

Finally, like Pontius Pilate, we all are busy with everything in our lives. We do not intend to take hours of your time each week. We intend at this point to post only once per week a Truth Principle and respectfully ask you to take a few moments to read, ponder and if you’d like respond or ask questions. All we ask is that if you do ask a question or respond to please do so in a respectful reasoned way without using coarse language.

*Bible, John 18:28